

[Our Children] children reading02

    The children who sit on the School Council are elected by their peers. Each class has representatives who serve on the Council and they have been working with their classmates and staff on a number of very important school issues.

    All children are encouraged to adopt a positive attitude to their lives at school and each class draws up and agrees their own “Code of Conduct” at the beginning of each year. These codes reflect the general behaviour policy of the school and are intended to involve the children in helping to provide a pleasant environment in which they can study successfully and happily.

    Nursery Hill Primary operates a policy of positive acknowledgement and rewards. Good work and behaviour is praised and recognised in various ways. We see the acknowledgement of success to be an essential part of life at school and celebrate the children’s achievements in our weekly special “Celebration Assembly”.

    Occasionally children misbehave. They are then reprimanded by a teacher, and may as appropriate be removed from their classroom for a period of time or deprived of privileges or favourite activities to discourage repeated incidents. The school will invite parents to come and work with us in order to help improve the situation.


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